Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Why Can't I Change My Twitter Profile Picture?!

Well OK I've finally solved this headache!! I few days ago I signed up to Twitter with my new blog, the blog that your reading "YoGetTheHelpYouNeed". Before Sharing how I fixed my issue, I gotta say that the help that we the people received  from twitter was...was, well SAD!! How can the developers of twitter screw something up that pretty much should be basic for computer programmers to build. Facebook must be laughing themselves all the way to the bank. I feel for all of those who have been posting with that dreaded egg!! I've been extremely anxious to get my twitter account out there, but was held back because I didn't want to come across as a spammer.. Well a professional spammer at least.. So without further hesitation this is what I came across..

**Disclaimer use these solutions at your own risk, if things go from bad to worse, then all I can say is....YoGetTheHelpYouNeed!!!**

1.Update your internet browser.

2. Re-sized the Picture to 567x700 or something close to it. Crop it into a square.

3. Upload a different Browser like Firefox or Safari

4. Try using your PC or laptop not your smartphone.
5. While you are on your PC go to your profile > then click profile settings > press on the "change profile picture" icon > choose browse your PC > pick a picture > then click save..

**The above answer deserves a..get the help you need response..A duh..**

6.Twitter may be overwhelmed with users so try later..

  • Check your file type. Twitter supports JPEG, GIF, and PNG file formats. 
  • They do not support animated GIFs. All existing animated GIF images will be left as they are, but no new ones can be uploaded. 
  • All profile pictures with nudity will be removed, no nude pics guys and girls keep them in your bra's 
  • Make sure your file is the correct size. Your picture must be no more than 700k. 
  • Make sure you click Save changes at the bottom of your Settings page. Your image won't save until you click that.

8. Change the size of your picture

9. Too many characters in The location (max 30).

10. A low internet connection might be the problem.

11. Try using a lower resolution and quality picture.

12. Create a new account with another email and it'll work.

13. Upload a picture and wait a few days for it to restore. (This requires patience, lol)

  •  Log out of  Twitter on your smartphone and PC go to  
  •  Crop and resize your pic. You may have to log-out of twitter and/or wait awhile as well..
**I'm Iffy on this one never like telling people to go to other sites, your call, maybe downoad an app**

15. Settings > downloaded archive setting just above the "save it" sent a email then clicked on link bingo now changed my avatar picture.

**I have no idea what this person was trying to say but I used it just in case it helps someone**


  •   Do not delete your original photo (or egg), instead click on "Choose File".  
  •  A pop-up will open up and allow u to browse and pick a photo... so pick one and click OK. 
  •  Now click and change ANY tiny detail in one of the text field boxes (like "Name", "Location", "Website", etc.) and change it (this is only temporary).
  •  For me, doing this suddenly made my "Save Changes" button become active and work! :-) So I then clicked "Save Changes" and waited.
  •  It may take a while, but "Your Changes Have Been Saved" should show up.
  • . Now click on "View Profile" and check to make sure your pic is indeed uploaded ok.
  • If your pic is ok, then go back into EDIT mode and change the text you changed back to its correct text, and then click "Save Changes".
  •  Now check your profile again - everything should be ok, and your new profile photo should be displaying.
  • - I suspect there may be a glitch that for some of us, does not let just the photo ALONE to update, and therefore doing 2 changes allows it to update correctly. **What?**

17. Uninstalling The Twitter App Then Reinstalling It.

18. Twitter help center

19. Twitter support

Well Those are the ones that I came across and I really hope these work for you.. Oh by the way I resolved my problem by simply installing Firefox as my web browser, and like a boss it worked first kick at the can.

so there you have it!


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