Thursday, August 29, 2013

Top 10 Ways of Keeping Yourself Safe Online.

1. Anti-virus Software

Use the best anti virus out there that is available. Two of the best free ones are Avast and AVG. I personally use both, if one missed something the other one will catch it.

2.Update Your Anti-Virus

You can have the most amazing, easy to use, catch any Trojan anti-virus software out there. The only thing that renders your anti-virus useless is an anti-virus that is not up to date.. Everyday there are new threats and new dangers to our PC's. So keeping your anti-virus up to date is a good thing.

3. Suspicious Emails and Link's

One of the trickiest a scariest tactics for sucking in people and stealing peoples information is Phishing. The email that is sent to us looks legit. It is filled with accurate information with nice forms,  once you fill out the information and click send your done.. Don't do it..
4. Nothing is Free!!!!

Free credit score, free ringtones, free ebooks, free all inclusive vacation packages. Hey, guess what your the 1 millionth person to visit this site you have just won a free IPhone!!  Its all garbage, stay away and do not click...
5. Update Your Browser

Right now I just updated to Firefox and have been enjoying it.. But from what I've read Google Chrome seems to be the safest Browser to help defend against hackers.. I personally just do not like the look of Google Chrome, but hey I think safety is more important than looks.. 

6.If You Do Not Know Where the E-mail Came From Don't Open it Or its Attachments.
When in doubt...Through it out. Do not open any email that looks suspicious. Even if it seems that its came from a friends email address!
If you are not sure. Send the person you know a text asking them if they sent you an email. Do a virus scan on the email if you are able to.. Do not open the attachment sent to you. If a friend has sent you an email with an attachment, save it to your desktop then do a anti-virus scan and a malware scan on the attachment

7. Protect your Passwords
This truly is a no brainier, under no circumstance should you EVER  give out your passwords to anyone. Not on twitter, Facebook, or any forum that you are involved with..

8. Keep Your Private Information, PRIVATE..

The less that people know about you the better.. Never DM, PM or broadcast your email or phone number on public forums, Facebook and twitter.. If you do you best be prepared for a barrage of spam email and telemarketers trying to sell you everything in the book.. 

9. Separate important passwords from non important passwords

Separate important passwords from non important passwords..NEVER use your password for your banking on chat forums keep them separate.. example your banking password is blogger do not use blogger password on websites like Twitter, Facebook or forums also be careful not to do the same for sites that you purchase things like on eBay and Go daddy.. These sites require credit card information and PayPal information.

10. Never Use Your Real Name As Your Username

The reasons are simple.. If you ever find yourself in a forum where debates are raging and you go over the line and insult someone. That person just may be able to track you down if you have on your profile your age, date of birth, and location. These little snips of information just may be enough for him or her to find you and confront you face to face. Not just that it would be great for those who would love to steal your identity..

Well there you have it I hope these help you. If you have more or better suggestions let me know and I will add them to the list..

Until next time, Yogetthehelpyouneed..

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Top 10 Reasons Why I Can't Wait for My Kids to Go Back to School!!

1. Coming home to a clean house.

2. Coming home knowing that all the food hasn't been eaten up.

3. Waking up without having to turn off all the lights in the house.

4. Not being woken up to fighting kids telling each other that they have to turn off the lights.

5. Coming home to an empty house, will be nice..

6. Not having to hear my kids playing videos games with there friends while chatting with them over the phone, While I'm trying to sleep.

7. Not having to deal with my kids boredom.

8. Peace and QUITE!!!

9. The Endless laundry.

10. Every thing goes back to normal. Sleeping patterns, eating patterns, quite kids doing homework..

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Help Someone Hacked My Twitter Account

Why oh why can’t people be and let be. Why would someone want to mess with other people’s lives? Maybe someone needs a baseball bat upside the head. (I’m not indorsing this type of action; those are my inner thoughts coming out. If you happen to want to do such a thing I encourage you not to.) There my butt is covered!!

**Disclaimer use at your own risk, if things go from bad to worst then, well your screwed and all I can say is YOGETTHEHELPYOUNEED!!**

 Here are some solutions for you that I have come across I hope they work..

  1. Contact Twitter Support through

  1. If you have control over your account, change your password and revoke access to applications that you don't trust:

  1. Change the email address associated with your account:

  1. What do I do if my account is compromised, hacked, or used outside of my control?

  1. Contact @Support through our Support Center at --

7.      How to Connect and Revoke Third Party Applications for more helpful advice.

8.      Log into your Twitter account from the web page and change your password.

9.      If your Twitter password does not work click the Forgot password? Link under the username and password login boxes on the web page to have the password sent to your accounts e-mail address.

10.  Check the external applications accessing your account go into your Twitter account's settings and clicking on applications to see the list of apps, such as Facebook or TweetDeck, that are being allowed access to your account. "Identify the applications you don't recognize or are not comfortable allowing access," adds Hill, "and click 'Revoke Access.'" Then try resetting your Twitter password again.

11.  Tweet at individual Twitter staff members you know or who might be receptive to your problem.

12.  Delete all cookies on your PC.

13.  If you opened a bad link Follow these steps: 
·        Go to Settings from the menu in the upper right corner of Twitter
·        Click Apps and then Revoke access on any Application you don’t recognize
·        Change your password just to be on the safe side.
·        Delete any unwanted sent tweets.

      14. Start taking screenshots of your account ASAP.
            You want to document that you were the original owner of this account.
            Take some screenshots of your tweets that will help you document your case to send in to  Twitter.

      15. If you still have some access through a third-party app, send some tweets to document         your case.If you have access through Hootsuite try and send some tweets. Try also using other apps like Tweet Old Post  and Facebook to send tweets out. Warn others that you account has been hacked and ask them to notify Twitter..  

16. Log out the app on your mobile, change password on your website account, and log in back with new credentials.

17. Go to and look through the list of applications. These are the sites or programs that you’ve authorized to use your account. Starting to look familiar? Your best approach is to click the Revoke Access button on any application you aren’t actively using.

18. Try This Link

19. Click the “forget password” link on the login page. This will send you a password reset

21. Delete the sent direct messages.

Prevent Future Hacks

·        Do not log into websites with your Twitter username or password
·        When visiting other sites create a new account
·        Avoid clicking on any strange links that come to you within either your Twitter feed or Direct Messages on Twitter. "Think before you click!
·        Change your password regularly and make sure it is a strong password involving multiple types of characters like r7#
·        Make sure you are on Twitter's actual site before logging on. A website can be made to look like Twitter so check the URL to be sure that it says:
·        Add your mobile number to your account
·        Twitter has a page, "Keeping your account secure," that explains preventive measures in detail.
·        Keep your computer and operating systems updated with the most recent security patches and anti-virus software.
·        Ignore suspicious twits like Direct from @Mary-12Knabben: OMG they said he died...Did he?" (it just may be a hacker)
·        Do not open ANY LINKS  (((EVER)))
·        Remove all apps
·        Long passwords using Caps, numbers, abbreviations like #..
·        Be careful with those DM’s don’t open any unless you know them 

If the DM is from some one you know contact them first, ask them if they sent you a DM.

It seems to me that the best thing to do is go to setting > Apps> delete all unknown apps..

I hope this helps you guys..

Monday, August 19, 2013

Three Stooges Facepalm

You know that things have gone from bad to worse when the three stooges have officially given you the facepalm!! Pass this along to those who have accomplished the Epic of all fails and let them know that they are now a certified facepalmer!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Twitters Twits Mr 20Sac Chop Man!! lol.

Every once in a while there comes along a good old nugget of humour to brighten everyone's day. In Toronto, Canada this nugget appeared in a Twitter post.. Some poor ole fella who was bored at work had a moment of greatness, when he posted for any drug dealers in the area to come down to his work and sell him some weed.. Lucky for him his tweet was answered immediatly. Well unfortunatly for him it was ah...Well.. not exactly a dealer but the other guys.. you know the Toronto Police department, who by the way, has a social media division monitoring all Twitter posts and Facebook activity, (just so everyone in the area knows).. The Police were so exited that they responded kindly with a "Awesome can we come!" Reply.. Well poor old Mr 20sac chop man lost his job and is now the laughing boy for all of his buddies. Why? Because his twit went viral in the local area..

I personaly got a good laugh out of it and no real harm was done, except for the poor guy losing his job.. Thanks Mr 20sac chop man for brightening up our day with your epic facepalm twit.. LOL


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Why Can't I Change My Twitter Profile Picture?!

Well OK I've finally solved this headache!! I few days ago I signed up to Twitter with my new blog, the blog that your reading "YoGetTheHelpYouNeed". Before Sharing how I fixed my issue, I gotta say that the help that we the people received  from twitter was...was, well SAD!! How can the developers of twitter screw something up that pretty much should be basic for computer programmers to build. Facebook must be laughing themselves all the way to the bank. I feel for all of those who have been posting with that dreaded egg!! I've been extremely anxious to get my twitter account out there, but was held back because I didn't want to come across as a spammer.. Well a professional spammer at least.. So without further hesitation this is what I came across..

**Disclaimer use these solutions at your own risk, if things go from bad to worse, then all I can say is....YoGetTheHelpYouNeed!!!**

1.Update your internet browser.

2. Re-sized the Picture to 567x700 or something close to it. Crop it into a square.

3. Upload a different Browser like Firefox or Safari

4. Try using your PC or laptop not your smartphone.
5. While you are on your PC go to your profile > then click profile settings > press on the "change profile picture" icon > choose browse your PC > pick a picture > then click save..

**The above answer deserves a..get the help you need response..A duh..**

6.Twitter may be overwhelmed with users so try later..

  • Check your file type. Twitter supports JPEG, GIF, and PNG file formats. 
  • They do not support animated GIFs. All existing animated GIF images will be left as they are, but no new ones can be uploaded. 
  • All profile pictures with nudity will be removed, no nude pics guys and girls keep them in your bra's 
  • Make sure your file is the correct size. Your picture must be no more than 700k. 
  • Make sure you click Save changes at the bottom of your Settings page. Your image won't save until you click that.

8. Change the size of your picture

9. Too many characters in The location (max 30).

10. A low internet connection might be the problem.

11. Try using a lower resolution and quality picture.

12. Create a new account with another email and it'll work.

13. Upload a picture and wait a few days for it to restore. (This requires patience, lol)

  •  Log out of  Twitter on your smartphone and PC go to  
  •  Crop and resize your pic. You may have to log-out of twitter and/or wait awhile as well..
**I'm Iffy on this one never like telling people to go to other sites, your call, maybe downoad an app**

15. Settings > downloaded archive setting just above the "save it" sent a email then clicked on link bingo now changed my avatar picture.

**I have no idea what this person was trying to say but I used it just in case it helps someone**


  •   Do not delete your original photo (or egg), instead click on "Choose File".  
  •  A pop-up will open up and allow u to browse and pick a photo... so pick one and click OK. 
  •  Now click and change ANY tiny detail in one of the text field boxes (like "Name", "Location", "Website", etc.) and change it (this is only temporary).
  •  For me, doing this suddenly made my "Save Changes" button become active and work! :-) So I then clicked "Save Changes" and waited.
  •  It may take a while, but "Your Changes Have Been Saved" should show up.
  • . Now click on "View Profile" and check to make sure your pic is indeed uploaded ok.
  • If your pic is ok, then go back into EDIT mode and change the text you changed back to its correct text, and then click "Save Changes".
  •  Now check your profile again - everything should be ok, and your new profile photo should be displaying.
  • - I suspect there may be a glitch that for some of us, does not let just the photo ALONE to update, and therefore doing 2 changes allows it to update correctly. **What?**

17. Uninstalling The Twitter App Then Reinstalling It.

18. Twitter help center

19. Twitter support

Well Those are the ones that I came across and I really hope these work for you.. Oh by the way I resolved my problem by simply installing Firefox as my web browser, and like a boss it worked first kick at the can.

so there you have it!


Monday, August 12, 2013

Breville Coffee Maker Kicks The Bucket!

Approxamitly 2 years ago my wife and I purchased a Breville Gourmet Single Cup Brewer, man let me tell you I fell in love with it. Everyday for the next few months I would get up and brew me a nice cup of Joe..Well.. The other day while going through my regular Saturday morning routine. I was upstairs reading my Kobo eReader and out of nowhere my wife yells out to me, that something was wrong with my coffee maker.. Well down the stairs I ran and to my horror there it was dead with no power running through it..I couldn't believe my eyes my $200+ coffee maker that was no more than 2 years old was dead!!

I did a frantic search on google but nothing came up. All I really got was reviews and price comparisons. Unfortunatly for me my machine was 2 years old and the brewer came with a 1 year warranty!! In my search I came across a very helpful site with great information on how to fix my Brewer...

"If your Keurig coffee brewing machine was working but now no longer powers on, there may be a problem with your electrical outlet rather than the brewing device. Troubleshooting the power issue on your Keurig coffee machine requires a combination of basic cable checks to ensure the device is properly plugged in as well as resetting your home's circuit breaker if the problem persists. If the issue is not caused by loose wires or a flipped circuit, contact the Keurig customer service to determine your eligibility for replacing the machine.

-Push the power cord all the way in to ensure the cable is not loosely inserted in the electrical outlet.
-Insert the machine's power cable into an alternative grounded outlet. Surge protectors may not provide enough electricity to the Keurig machine, and results in the device not being able to turn on.
-Push the power switch on the back of the brewing machine. The switch is located on the left side on the back of the brewer. Push the switch back to the "ON" position and wait for the light on the front of the machine to turn green, which indicates it is ready to be used.
-Go to your house's circuit breaker box and flip the switch that controls the electricity for your kitchen, or whichever room the Keurig machine is located. If there is a trip in your home's power, the circuit switch will flip in the opposite direction it was previously in. A flipped switch will not provide electricity to the outlet until it is manually switched.


Yo Get The Help You Need!!

So I went to their website:

After reading their instructions I was amazed at just how similiar it was to the other website that I had previously visited.. The only difference is, is that the other website had more to say in a more detailed way!!

So for now it seems like its gonna be instant coffee for me until I can save up another $200+ to buy another one.. I guess I could starve my kids and save some money to speed up the process..

If anyone has an answer pass it along!!