Saturday, August 17, 2013

Twitters Twits Mr 20Sac Chop Man!! lol.

Every once in a while there comes along a good old nugget of humour to brighten everyone's day. In Toronto, Canada this nugget appeared in a Twitter post.. Some poor ole fella who was bored at work had a moment of greatness, when he posted for any drug dealers in the area to come down to his work and sell him some weed.. Lucky for him his tweet was answered immediatly. Well unfortunatly for him it was ah...Well.. not exactly a dealer but the other guys.. you know the Toronto Police department, who by the way, has a social media division monitoring all Twitter posts and Facebook activity, (just so everyone in the area knows).. The Police were so exited that they responded kindly with a "Awesome can we come!" Reply.. Well poor old Mr 20sac chop man lost his job and is now the laughing boy for all of his buddies. Why? Because his twit went viral in the local area..

I personaly got a good laugh out of it and no real harm was done, except for the poor guy losing his job.. Thanks Mr 20sac chop man for brightening up our day with your epic facepalm twit.. LOL


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