Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Help Someone Hacked My Twitter Account

Why oh why can’t people be and let be. Why would someone want to mess with other people’s lives? Maybe someone needs a baseball bat upside the head. (I’m not indorsing this type of action; those are my inner thoughts coming out. If you happen to want to do such a thing I encourage you not to.) There my butt is covered!!

**Disclaimer use at your own risk, if things go from bad to worst then, well your screwed and all I can say is YOGETTHEHELPYOUNEED!!**

 Here are some solutions for you that I have come across I hope they work..

  1. Contact Twitter Support through

  1. If you have control over your account, change your password and revoke access to applications that you don't trust:

  1. Change the email address associated with your account:

  1. What do I do if my account is compromised, hacked, or used outside of my control?

  1. Contact @Support through our Support Center at --

7.      How to Connect and Revoke Third Party Applications for more helpful advice.

8.      Log into your Twitter account from the web page and change your password.

9.      If your Twitter password does not work click the Forgot password? Link under the username and password login boxes on the web page to have the password sent to your accounts e-mail address.

10.  Check the external applications accessing your account go into your Twitter account's settings and clicking on applications to see the list of apps, such as Facebook or TweetDeck, that are being allowed access to your account. "Identify the applications you don't recognize or are not comfortable allowing access," adds Hill, "and click 'Revoke Access.'" Then try resetting your Twitter password again.

11.  Tweet at individual Twitter staff members you know or who might be receptive to your problem.

12.  Delete all cookies on your PC.

13.  If you opened a bad link Follow these steps: 
·        Go to Settings from the menu in the upper right corner of Twitter
·        Click Apps and then Revoke access on any Application you don’t recognize
·        Change your password just to be on the safe side.
·        Delete any unwanted sent tweets.

      14. Start taking screenshots of your account ASAP.
            You want to document that you were the original owner of this account.
            Take some screenshots of your tweets that will help you document your case to send in to  Twitter.

      15. If you still have some access through a third-party app, send some tweets to document         your case.If you have access through Hootsuite try and send some tweets. Try also using other apps like Tweet Old Post  and Facebook to send tweets out. Warn others that you account has been hacked and ask them to notify Twitter..  

16. Log out the app on your mobile, change password on your website account, and log in back with new credentials.

17. Go to and look through the list of applications. These are the sites or programs that you’ve authorized to use your account. Starting to look familiar? Your best approach is to click the Revoke Access button on any application you aren’t actively using.

18. Try This Link

19. Click the “forget password” link on the login page. This will send you a password reset

21. Delete the sent direct messages.

Prevent Future Hacks

·        Do not log into websites with your Twitter username or password
·        When visiting other sites create a new account
·        Avoid clicking on any strange links that come to you within either your Twitter feed or Direct Messages on Twitter. "Think before you click!
·        Change your password regularly and make sure it is a strong password involving multiple types of characters like r7#
·        Make sure you are on Twitter's actual site before logging on. A website can be made to look like Twitter so check the URL to be sure that it says:
·        Add your mobile number to your account
·        Twitter has a page, "Keeping your account secure," that explains preventive measures in detail.
·        Keep your computer and operating systems updated with the most recent security patches and anti-virus software.
·        Ignore suspicious twits like Direct from @Mary-12Knabben: OMG they said he died...Did he?" (it just may be a hacker)
·        Do not open ANY LINKS  (((EVER)))
·        Remove all apps
·        Long passwords using Caps, numbers, abbreviations like #..
·        Be careful with those DM’s don’t open any unless you know them 

If the DM is from some one you know contact them first, ask them if they sent you a DM.

It seems to me that the best thing to do is go to setting > Apps> delete all unknown apps..

I hope this helps you guys..

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